
Other Licence Holders

The below organisations have been granted licences under the Telecommunications Act 1984. 


Licensee Licence Type Licence Duration Licence Expiry
Arqiva (Formerly NTL) Telecommunications systems for the provision of television transmission services. 20 Years  2026
Arqiva Limited
(formerly National Grid Wireless; Crown Castle; Castle Transmission)
Licence for the erection , installation, replacement, or use of any radio mast or antenna.   10 Years 2024
Classic FM PLC Telecommunications systems for the provision of sound broadcasting services Ongoing in perpetuity  N/A
Department of Home Affairs ( Communications Division) Provision of radio transmission services and the government communications service. 25 Years  2029
Department of Home Affairs ( Communications Division)  Licence for the erection , installation, replacement, or use of any radio mast or antenna. 5 Years  2023
e-llan Communications Limited  Telecommunications systems of every description within the Island which are owned or controlled by an Isle of Man Government Department or Statutory Board and are for the purpose of providing private circuits. 15 Years



Formerly known as Hibernia Networks - CVC Acquisition Company (UK)

Telecommunication system of any description within the Isle of Man that forms part of a telecommunication system which conveys Messages between Halifax, Nova Scotia and Southport, England.

25 Years  2028


Formerly known as Hibernia Networks - Cable and Wireless Isle of Man Limited

Licence granted to Cable and Wireless Isle of Man Limited to run telecommunications systems under section 5 of the Telecommunications Act 1984. 

Ongoing in perpetuity N/A
Manx Utilities Authority Telecommunications systems that are stations for Wireless Telegraphy or Wireless Telegraphy Apparatus used for Fixed Wireless Access. Ongoing in perpetuity N/A
Vodafone Limited (formerly Cable & Wireless) Telecommunication system of any description within the Isle of Man that forms part of a telecommunication system which conveys Messages within the Isle of Man and between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Ongoing in perpetuity N/A