
Publications Library

Document Name File Type Size Category
05/24: Final Response To Telecom WACC Implementation Consultation PDF 1MB Industry
04/24: Q3 2023 (R1) Market Statistics Report PDF 2.2MB Industry
03/24: Direction to Manx Telecom to Fulfil Access Request PDF 239.1KB Industry
CURA Climate Change Submission - Net Zero by 2050 PDF 296.7KB Consumer
02/24: Q2 2023 Market Statistics Report (1) PDF 2.1MB Industry
01/24: Manx Telecom Proposal Notice Direction To Fulfil Access Request PDF 182.9KB Industry
2023 Broadcasting Survey Report: Analysis and Findings PDF 2.8MB Consumer Industry
27/23: Information Notice For Gas Tariff Implementation PDF 502.8KB Consumer Industry
26/23: December 2023 Gas Tariff Review PDF 156.4KB Consumer Industry
25/23: Response to Consultation: Cost of Debt and Working Capital Allowance for the Gas Sector PDF 2.3MB Industry